The day before California’s Aug. 18 archery opener for Columbia blacktail deer, we pulled in to Redding, where the temperature read 109º.  The voice on the radio said how nice it was to finally be cooling off!

That afternoon I met up with Parrey Cremeans  (, and we headed out to check trail cameras and look at blind setups.  Given the hot, dry conditions and the movement of the buck’s Parrey had been patterning, we agreed it would be best to hunt from a ground blind, hoping to catch deer as they moved between bedding and feeding areas.

I’ve been with Parrey in the past, taking turkeys, hogs and a 152” monster blacktail on a rifle hunt.  I love how hard this man works.  We were hunting the B-Zone, with and over-the-counter tag.

On opening day we were in the blind by 5:00 a.m., awaiting shooting light.  Temperatures climbed to 106º outside the blind…it felt like 130º inside.  We saw a couple does and a small buck right before dark, moving down the hill to feed.  That was it for the day.

Parrey had been regularly catching a pair of mature bucks on trail camera at this spot, but we were concerned.  On Thursday, two days before the opener, a crew moved in to clear brush beneath the power lines, under which we were hunting.  Over a dozen crew members, chainsaws and heavy equipment were in operation, less than 300 yards from the blind, smack in the middle of the deer trails.
The trail camera revealed the big bucks still used the trail, but now they were traveling at night, not in daylight as had been the case for the past few weeks.  Also, the two biggest bucks separated, going solo.  They were nice bucks, and we agreed I should sit there one more day.
At 10:00 the next morning we decided to gather our gear and head out.  Just as I reached to unzip the blind, a set of antlers came out of the brush, over a hill, not 50 yards to our left.
Quietly I set down my gear and nocked an arrow.  The buck was quickly moving along the trail.  By the time I got ready, he’d cut the distance in half.  Then he paused, and that was the window we needed.  Putting the tip of my AuccPin on the buck, I let my Diamond Fugitive do the rest.  It drove a Gold Tip Pro 400 Velocity arrow through the buck.  The recovery was simple and we were blessed to capture it all on film for our Trijicon’s The Hunt TV show.  It will air next July, on the Sportsman Channel.
That night we had fresh tenderloin for dinner, and the day after that, a great roast and some pan-fried backstrap.  It was fun watching deer and hogs.  We even got to see a little 4×4 shed his velvet.  I love this game-rich part of California, and look forward to getting back down there later in the year, for more fun!California Velvet Blacktail

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