Part two of our Alaskan adventure found us regrouping, thanks to the help of many friends. Unfortunately, the middle of the trip suffered some setbacks due to the passing of Tim Delarm’s dad, as many of you may know. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. Tim is the head videographer and producer of Alaska Outdoors TV, on the Outdoor Channel, the show I was in Alaska filming for for nearly a month. Though a week was lost filming (and a 10 day deer hunt on Kodiak Island, cancelled), it was a reminder that nothing is as important as family.
With a week until I had to be home, we called on Butch & Jehnifer Ehmann, in Palmer, AK. Butch and Jehn’ are noted anglers, specializing in ice fishing, and they were kind enough to take us on an early season ice fishing adventure. I
learned so much, had a blast and we came away with a solid show. It’s been a long time since I’ve ice fished, and it was amazing to see the advancements in gear which made for fun, comfortable times, despite temps’ plunging into the ‘teens and winds in excess of 30 mph.
We caught some nice rainbows, Arctic char and landlocked salmon. The heated clothes and ThermaCell’s new Proflex heated insoles, rocked, as did other gear you’ll soon be reading about in various fishing magazine articles and columns. But for me the highlight was watching the action through the underwater Aqua-Vu camera…just wait until ya see it on Alaska Outdoors TV next spring!
Next, Tim and I spent a day driving to and from Homer, from Anchorage. Our mission was to film the man-eating polar bear I helped track down and kill in 1990, the first year Tiffany and I lived in Point Lay, Alaska, where we were school teachers. This was the first time I’d seen the bear. I thought it had been destroyed, but found out a few years ago, it was salvaged. It was an indescribable feeling to touch the infamous man-eater, once again. The unique story will be part of the first episode I’ll appear in, tentatively scheduled for early March, 2015.
The next day Tim and I were on a plane to Kotzebue, for a two day caribou hunt with good friend and fellow writer, Paul Atkins. I had a bull tag, and was looking for a big one. We found what we wanted, but couldn’t get to within 800 yards, no matter how hard we tried. The locals had been pressuring them pretty hard on snowmachines, and closing the distance on foot, was impossible. The next day we were shut down by 65 mph winds. That night we were on a plane headed back to Anchorage.
Following four hours of sleep, Tim and I were at the airport, headed to Valdez. By 10:00a.m. we were with Tim Bouchard, owner of Alaska Wildfowl Adventures, headed across the bay in search of a place to set the decoys.
I’ve been blessed to travel much of Alaska over the past 25 years, but this was my first time to Valdez. It was even more beautiful than I’d imagined…and the duck hunting wasn’t bad, either!
I fulfilled a longtime dream of getting a Barrow’s goldeneye, as well as a black scoter. Those birds rounded-out my goldeneye and scoter slams, respectively. 😉
I also took a gorgeous harlequin and a few other birds. There were only a couple other hunters in camp, and we were able to share some fun times on the water. After a day and a half of hunting, we wrapped up what should be a very cool TV show. After 14 years of pretty much concentrating on big game, it’s great to get back to the joy of bird hunting; I really missed that!
Tim Bouchard’s operation ( and guides are top-notch, and if there are any hunters looking to secure some unique species, this is a place I’d highly recommend…I want to go back, not only for more ducks, but geese, ptarmigan, bear, deer and fishing. This is a wonderful piece of Alaska to experience!…I know, I say that about many places in this wonderful state, and I’m proud to be sharing them through Alaska Outdoors TV.
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