Scott Haugen

About Scott Haugen

Prior to entering into the outdoor industry full-time, Scott Haugen taught science for 12 years. With a Masters Degree in education, a bachelors in science/biology, and lifelong outdoor experience, Haugen is uniquely qualified to share what he knows and continues to learn. Since hanging up his teacher’s hat, he’s appeared on more than 300 television shows, penned over 1,400 magazine articles and written several books – with new titles always in the works.

Rattling Blacktail Deer

In 1979 I rattled in my first Columbia black-tailed deer, and have been hooked ever since.  As with calling all big game, there is never a guarantee a blacktail deer will come to the calls [...]

Gear Picks For 2019

Another year has sped by, and with it, more great hunting, fishing, & photography adventures. Working full-time in the outdoor industry since 2001, I’ve been blessed to see and do many wonderful things. At the [...]

Puppy Training Tips

We've received a lot of interest in how we're training our two Pudelpointers. Echo was born in 2014, Kona in 2016. Following is a series of basic video tips that have helped us and hopefully [...]

Hunting Australia

INFORMATION Location Australia (North & East parts of country) Dates February-August in Queensland for multiple deer species. May-October in Northern Territory buffalo, banteng, rusa deer, scrub bull, pigs. Species Northern Territory: Water Buffalo, Banteng, Wild [...]

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