Fall is the time to catch lots of great eating salmon…and accumulate large amounts of eggs. Regardless of the egg curing recipes you like to use, it’s crucial to start with the best, cleanest eggs possible in order to realize the full potential of your cures.
Once a fish is caught, give it a quick blow to the head, then cut a gill rake. Allowing the fish to bleed-out will not only increase meat quality, but also egg quality. Skeins from a fish that’s been bled will be orange and clean. Skeins from a fish that has not been bled will be purple due to the amount of blood retained. As blood coagulates it begins
breaking down and rotting, allowing bacteria to contaminate the eggs. It’s this bacterial growth that can ruin an entire batch of cured eggs, which will be realized in their lack of ability to catch fish. This is why sulfur-based cures are good, because sulfur is a bacterial inhibitor.
Wearing rubber gloves, carefully remove the skeins from the fish, making sure not to cut into the connective tissues that hold the individual eggs together. There’s a vein running through each skein. Cut that vein and force all blood out with your fingers. Gloves keep the oils on your hands from contaminating the eggs. Salmon have a sense of smell measured in parts-per-billion, and even the smallest, tainted molecule can render eggs ineffective.
Cut skeins into desire bait sizes. If unsure of the bait sizes because you don’t know when or where the cured eggs will be fished, then cut the skeins in 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4, depending on their size, then get them curing. Exposing more egg tissues to the brine will allow the cure to take full effect. Once on the river, eggs can be cut to desired bait sizes.
Follow the directions of the packaged cure or home cure recipes you’re using. Air dry to desired texture and store, accordingly. If vacuum sealing, par freeze eggs, then seal, so juices won’t inhibit a good seal from forming.
Be willing to try different cures, dyes, and scents and put them all to use on the water. What cure works one day, may not work the next.
If looking to learn more on curing salmon and steelhead eggs, drop me an email at sthaugen@yahoo.com, and you’ll get a discount on my popular book, Egg Cures: Proven Recipes & Techniques. Just say you read my blog post and would like info’ on the Egg Cures book discount.
Good fishing..and egg curing!
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