At 5,000-feet, high atop Idaho’s Joseph Plains, we just came off what’s likely my most exciting turkey hunt in nearly 30 years.  Conditions were tough, with high winds, snow and rain, but when the weather broke, the toms were hot.
Prior to our arrival, exceptional weather shined, and much of the breeding was done by the time we reached the hunting grounds.  This meant mature toms were traveling and eager to inspect any calls.
With two tags to fill, I used a variety of calls and decoys, to help close the deal on this DIY hunt.  On the first morning, a hen decoy I made with the help of good friend and taxidermist, Bruce Hallingstad, was the decoy of choice.  On the first setup, 8 toms approached, all from different directions.
Given the big, rugged country, it took 45 minutes for the first tom to reach us, figuring he traveled well over a half-mile through timber, across a creek and two deep, brushy canyons.  It took a range of Point Blank turkey calls to keep the bird focused, from their diaphragm to the Mother Load box call to two different pot calls (the Iron Man being a favorite), to their push-button call.  Gobbling even worked well to get birds fired-up.  When the tom showed up, he was in full-strut and sucked right into the decoy.  The shot was simple.
On the second bird I wanted to try something different, so took the 1/4-life-size Thunder Chicken decoy, which I’d put my own, real tail fan in.  Calling to locate toms, the intent was to stalk in on the birds, seeing how close I could get.  But when two big toms charged in from behind, camera man, Dustin Anderson and I were in a bad spot.  I could have easily shot a tom, but we couldn’t get the camera on them.  The birds walked away.
Heading off the hill we spotted a big tom feeding by himself.  Putting the decoy in front of my face, I crawled to within range and dropped the tom with one shot.  There’s no way this could have been pulled-off without the aid of the decoy.  It was amazing, impressive, and got the adrenaline pumping.
We were hunting on over 50,000 acres of private land, behind two locked gates, so we were certain no other hunters were around.  I’d WOULD NOT use this approach on public land, only private, where you’re positive no other hunters are.
Every morning and evening the echoes of toms traveled through the rugged terrain.  We called in a dozen toms, and came away with one of our best turkey hunting shows, ever.  Using a 12 gauge Mossberg turkey gun topped with Trijicon’s RMR and throwing Federal’s Flitecontrol loads of #6s, it was a deadly combination.  A rangefinder tucked in my Crooked Horn RF Hookeup, and quality binoculars were valuable pieces of gear in this country, and my Cabela’s Tactical Turkey vest was stuffed with goodies, and was comfortable in this demanding terrain.
I’m in the middle of writing a book on turkey hunting out West, which will be out later this year, and came away with some more great information from this hunt.  Thanks to Boulder Creek Outfitters ( for pointing us in the right direction.  Though they can’t guide on this private land, they can turn hunters loose to hunt it on their own.  This is a great place for a combination hunt…turkeys in the morning, guided bears in the evening.  So much to do, so many places to go!  Love those turkeys!!

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