Though the 4th of July marks our country’s celebration of independence, it’s also one of the best times for deer hunters to head afield on pre-season scouting missions.  For brush country blacktails, July and August offer what I believe are the best times to actually lay eyes on these elusive bucks.

By the 4th of July, antler development is to the point you’ll be able to predict what quality of antlers a buck will have.  If you’ll be hunting home-body, non-migratory blacktails this fall, where the deer are now–in July and August–is likely where you’ll find them come hunting season.

Velvet covered antlers are some of the fastest growing tissues on the planet.  Because of this, bucks avoid the brush for two reasons:  They don’t want to damage their headgear and it’s painful when they scrape or hit their blood-engorged, sensitive antlers on brush.

Antlers serve as a status symbol for bucks, as well as a source of protection from predators and a tool to fight-off other bucks during the rut.  For these reasons a buck will take great measures to keep from damaging their headgear.
Why scout now?  Because bucks spend their time in open areas, so as not to damage their developing racks.  In order to optimize body and antler growth, bucks are actively feeding in the early evening, well into mid-morning this time of year.  When they do bed down, it’s often in a patch of small shade, usually in the open.

Search for bucks bedded behind stumps, logs, ferns, amid tall grass and behind or near various types of brushy habitat.  During the hottest hours of the day, keep searching for bucks, as this is when they’ll stand to re-bed.  As the shifting sun hits their bodies, they’ll overheat, briefly stand and reposition themselves in the shade.  With a good set of binoculars and a spotting scope, you’ll be amazed at how many good bucks can be seen between 11:00 and 3:00, the hottest part the day.
If you’re in to trail cameras, setting them on a salt lick is a great way to find bucks, as they crave the minerals this time of year.  Apples, as they begin to ripen, also make great places to hide trail cameras on.  What you’ll discover is there are a lot more big bucks roaming the woods than people think.

Once their velvet is shed, blacktail bucks become largely nocturnal.  Summer scouting missions will confirm there really are a lot of bucks out there, and that the good ol’ days are still among us.
This 4th of July vacation, grab your pack, plenty of water and your optics and head out in search of deer.  It’s a great way to spend some vacation time and learn more about the deer–be they blacktails, muleys or whitetails–we’re fortunate to be able to hunt.

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